Friday, February 12, 2010

No Friday weigh in for me

The last two days have been spent baking and crafting and cooking and doing dishes and not much water drinking. And a lot of cookie eating. So, today I'm not weighing in and I'll just try it on Sunday maybe. I've already started my first bottle of water, so I'm off to a waaay better start than the last two days.

Goals for today:
lots and lots of water
track my calories
get rid of the last few cookies I have in my house, by not eating them and giving them away
calories btwn 1250 and 1300
Get some form of exercise

I hope you all have a good weekend!


  1. I also don't know if it's from eating more sugar the last couple days than I'm used to if I'm starting to get sick, but I feel terrible. Kinda pukey, really tired.

  2. The cookies were really good! I ate all of them when I got home. I justified it by claiming I needed something in my stomach to take my antibiotic... still ended up with a stomach ache, not sure if it was from the drugs or MASSIVE quantities of sugar I consumed last night.

    Sorry you're not feeling so hot. Hope it goes away soon!
