Monday, February 22, 2010

All or Nothing

It seems I have an all or nothing attitude that needs a little bit of adjusting. For example, if I fail to exercise one day I say, "screw it, I didn't exercise so why be good, I can eat whatever I want." Or, I may eat too much at lunch and the rest of the day I say, "doesn't matter what I eat now, I already messed up my eating plan for the day." It's like my mind is saying I have to be absolutely perfect or I'm going to be totally bad. But that's not what it's about, all or nothing. It's really about the choices that we make. Who cares if I screw up at breakfast, I can choose to be healthy at lunch and throughout the rest of the day. See, I really know this and I've known it for a long time but it's another matter altogether trying to follow it.

On to some good things from this weekend. Overall I did well. I ate too much sugar but I didn't overeat like I usually tend to do on the weekends. I was active all weekend long going for a bike ride on Saturday and then going for a walk and playing frisbee on Sunday. And I drank more water than I have been, not enough but on the right track. My Monday weight is 146.0.

Goals for today:
drink 2.5 bottles of water
be active
not eat anything after dinner


  1. Oh man, you are preaching to the choir. Or, at least a one woman choir consisting of me... I do that same thing. I also do the thing when I have a really good workout and then tell myself I can eat whatever I want. Too bad that's not even in the same hemisphere as reality.

    Being aware that you have choices to make all day long is a great thing! It sounds like you're doing great! I'm so jealous that you went for a bike ride and played frisbee. All it did here was snow all weekend and I'm so over winter right now.

  2. Yeah, snow every day here too. I am ready for summer!

    I think that my favorite thing about the blog is I now recognize and can understand what I am doing (even if it doesn't stop me). Way to go on realizing that about yourself!

  3. Lol, we're all in the choir Molly!

    I agree with Mallory too - the blog has helped me (read: forced me) to look at my decisions more and understand better my choices. Plus, I think that the "pressure" to weigh in twice a week helps us stay more focused.

    And yay for not overeating on the weekend - I think it's very hard when you're out with your family and whatnot.
