Monday, February 15, 2010

2/15/10 Lori and reflections

So, Aaron and I had our first date 13 years ago today. Crazy, eh? 13 yrs brings a lot of stuff with it, but I'm so happy things have worked out like they have!

This morning I was 148.6, which is .6 up from Wednesday last week. I'm super happy with that since Wed and Thur were all about baking, spaghetti for dinner last night, and lack of quality gym time. To top it off, I really haven't been drinking much water, so I'm happy and hoping that if I drink a lot today and tomorrow that I'll be even lower than Wed.

I also have to share a personal victory for me. I went shopping for a new dress to wear to my SIL's babyshower this weekend in Phoenix. All of the dresses I tried on were 8's and none of them were too small. In fact, some of them were too big. (I've always worn a smaller dress size than pant size. Those stupid thighs.) Anyway, I wanted a 6 in a certain dress, but they didn't have it, so they brought the 4 out. Seriously, the 4!?!? Who do you think I am? Anyway.... it fit. And I bought it. There's no way I'm a "real" 4 - any other the other dresses in a 4 wouldn't have zipped at all, I'm sure it's just this dress b/c it has sorta an elasticy back. But still. I want to wear it inside out, LOL!

Update - ok, this has taken me forever to write. I started at like 8 this morning. ANyway, I went to the gym this morning and did kickit. Molly - I missed you! :( Maybe Thursday? This was the first time that I have done it in about a month b/c of my back. My back has been feeling like 75% better, which is fantastic, so I thought that I'd try it. The first half of class I didn't really chamber any of my kicks, and I totally regret it. The 2nd half my back was really hurting and I had to chamber all of them and even jumping jacks made it hurt. I think that on Thur I will go again, but I will take it way easier in the beginning. But ya know, you never want to be the one not doing it, especially when you're one of the "regulars" or people who have been going for a year. BUT it's better than hurting my back more or being in pain.

Yay! It's going to be a great day girls!
Here are my goals for today:
work out - check
drink lots of water
track calories (approx 1250)
CLEAN MY HOUSE - If I get this accomplished and nothing else, then I'll be happy. Geez, how'd it get this bad?!?!?! I'm tempted to take all the stuff that's on the counters, floors, etc. and just trash it all.


  1. I am so so so proud of you! You have done great! It's amazing how much weight you have lost overall, and how great you are doing at maintaining it! It also gives me hope that someday I will be able to eat those foods I love occasionally. Yum, spaghetti!

    I am sorry that it hurts to workout the way you want to!

    I also hear you about taking the stuff on the counters and floors and trashing it. Sometimes I feel like if that's how much everyone values their things ie, not putting it away or leaving it on the floor they don't really care about it anyway.

  2. Wow, 13 years ago!! That's awesome!

    And size 4! You're are doing so great!!

    Sorry I didn't make kickit - I had to go with my dad to the Ford dealership because the Exploder had a recall and he made an appt for 8am and needed a ride home. Seriously, 8am, practically in Fruita. Anyway, I'll go Thursday if you go. :) Promise. I'm sorry your back was hurting.

  3. Molly - I will be there Thursday :) Hopefully you can come! I do think that I'm going to take it a lot easier on the kicks. Paula teaches on Thur (YAY! I <3 Paula... is that weird?) and she knows a little about my back, so I hope that it's not so akward. But... I am SORE today. Ugh.
