Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's a Ground Hog's Day Miracle!

Ok, I know Tuesday isn't an official weigh-in day, but I keep getting better results on Tuesday. And I was so excited this morning that I just had to share: 169.6!! That's a 1.8 lb loss from yesterday. And I have no idea why. I think I drank maybe a cup and a half of water yesterday. And I had french toast for dinner at 10:00 at night. Maybe coughing burns a ton of calories? :-) Whatever the reason, the trick now will be to sustain the weightloss through Friday and beyond. (to infinity and beyond!) Tomorrow will be tricky - I'm going to a funeral in Glenwood and there will be lots of comfort food and emotions.

Anyway, having that number dip below 170 was very energizing. Not so much literally, but mentally. I actually kind of want to make an effort to make smart choices. Crazy, I know!

Goals for today:

drink water
track calories


  1. Just out of curiousity I looked up the last time I was below 170: Dec. 16 when I weighed 169.4. Seven weeks later I'm almost back to where I was. Awesome.

  2. I am so proud of you! It is great, you could have just kept going the other way. I am glad you feel motivated, I am with you! Whoo hoo this week is going to kick butt.

  3. YAY! I *love* getting under a new digit. That's wonderful!
