Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bye Bye Bread,Sugar, and Energy Drinks

On Monday, swim instructor told me I had to cut out bread and sugar. Normally I would take this as a suggestion, but did I mention that he is Russian, and very scary?! So i have not eaten any bad carbs in 3 days. The good news is that I have lost 4 pounds. I'll take it.

I just have to take a moment to acknowledge that I was wrong about something. Even when I use to be thin and workout and eat right I never believed in the "energy" that exercise supposedly gave you. I have always thought it was a myth. I also have been an avid Energy Drinker. I have cut the drinks as of two weeks ago and on Tuesday I felt my first mood enhancer from exercise. Couldn't believe it. I don't know if its the swimming or getting off of Energy drinks, but I feel awesome! Maybe its the combination of both, I'm not sure, but I feel great all of a sudden. So there is is, exercise does help. Now I have no excuses.


  1. Whoo hooo losing 4 pounds is awesome! Having energy is even better!

  2. Carrie, that's awesome, good for you!!!

    I love the energy I get from working out. I miss it. I've been sick for a couple of weeks and I get fatigued really easily. Today I walked from Herbergers to JCPenney and back and I thought I was going to have to take a nap in cafe court because I was so freaking tired.

    Anyway, back to you. You're doing awesome! Is this a forever thing or will you eventually, slowly reintroduce things like whole grain pasta?

  3. That's great! 4 lbs in 3 days? Wow! Stick to it!!

  4. Hey Carrie, How's it going??? Haven't heard from you in awhile
