Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mallory's Tuesday

I was really hoping my weight would be down, but it was 224 so IDK it is more when I get less sleep. I am from now on only going to weigh after full nights of sleep. I have been eating pretty well and I have tracked everything I have eaten. Yay!

Molly's Tuesday

The eating didn't go so well yesterday, but it's going to be awesome today! I'm already started on my water - 1/2 of a water bottle so far! Woo hoo! So exciting. I'm going to the grocery store in just a bit to get healthy snacks to take with me to work. What do you guys eat for healthy snacks? I'm thinking about almonds, but I don't like them unless they're salted. And of course fruit. I'm just stuck in a rut and need some new healthy ideas. Maybe I'll do some searching on the interweb and see what I can find.

Goals for today:
drink at least 4 bottles of water
track calories
play tennis

Monday, June 28, 2010

Molly's Monday Weight and Goals

Well, the house didn't burn down, so that's good. Unfortunately I was completely right about having gained weight. I've gained back just about half of what I had lost. Totally awesome. :-/ My weight is 170.4. That means I have to drop 20 pounds by September 17, approx. 10.5 weeks from now. So, instead of it being a little over 1 pound per week it's now a solid 2 pounds per week. Still, it should be doable. Check that - it IS doable. I can do it. WE can do this, people!!

So, here's my plan:
Friday July 2: lose 2 lounds (168.4)
July 15: be down 5 more pound (163.4)
Aug 1: be down 5 more pounds (158.4)
Aug. 15: be below 155 (154.9)
Sept. 1: 151
Sept. 17: 149.9

I know it's going to get harder to lose the lower I get, which is why I've tried to top load my goals if that makes sense. It's going to be super important that I drink my water and track my calories. Not only track but eat things that are healthy and will help me reach my goal. And of course there's always exercise. I need to work out an exercise plan. I work at a gym, so coming up with a plan and sticking to it shouldn't be so hard. I'll report back with my exercise goals maybe tonight, but probably tomorrow.

Goals for today:
Drink 4 bottles of water
track calories

Good luck everyone!

Mallory's Monday Weigh In

Hi Guys, it's been going pretty good here, I hope all is well in your worlds! I weighed myself this AM which is right after work and my weight was 224.4. I am getting ready to go to bed and then when I get up I will weigh again and I am hoping it's at least 222 or lower. My first goal was to be at 220 by July 1st, which is Thursday so I am hoping I will be able to make that. At 222 it's totally doable, at 224 it will be a little more difficult! I am looking forward to hearing from the rest of you ladies!

Tammi - we haven't heard anything from you in awhile, I hope your job is going ok.
Lori - I know you are pregnant, but where are you at with stuff?
Molly - I am looking forward to hearing your goals!
Cassa - What days do you weigh in with Weight Watchers?
Peggy - How is your diet situation going?
And the rest of you ladies: Maureen, Carrie, Leasa, if you read this how are you all doing?

Starting Weight - 249.2
Goal Weight - 160
Pounds lost - 25
Pounds to get to lowest weight - 9

Next small goal - July 1st weigh 220 or less
Big goal - 200 lbs

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday thoughts

After chatting with Mallory about somethings I realized that I should set some short term weightloss goals if I'm even going to come close to reaching my long term goal. Tomorrow morning I will weigh myself and post my weight no matter what. No "oh, I forgot," or "oh, the house was on fire and the scale melted to the bathroom floor." No excuses!! And if that fire thing happens I will get in my car (presuming it didn't all melt down to the ground) and drive over to Lori's and use her scale.

Then after I weigh myself I will know what my goals are. Right now I'm thinking that I want to lose 5 lbs. by July 15. That's 2 1/2 weeks from today. I know I can do it if I just try hard enough. Then I'm thinking if I might set goals for Aug. 1 and Aug. 15 and Sep. 1. My long term goal for now is to be under 150 by Sep. 17. I've pretty much wasted the last 2 weeks and in fact, I think I've gained weight. So, seriously you guys, it's time to stop messing around.

And, starting tomorrow I will track everyday this week. No matter how annoying I think it seems or how tired I am. I will do it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I've been around . . .

So I haven't posted in awhile, which usually means I have been doing poorly. But not this time, I am doing good, but I am pretty sleepy. I have been sleeping in the day and then getting up, going for a bike ride, then going to work. Today my mom kept the kids and I slept until 6. It felt really good and I feel totally energized. When I woke up I weighed myself and my weight was 223.0. I am so grateful that it's down. I have been eating a meal when I get up between 3 and 6 Then maybe something b4 work and something at my work lunch. I have been trying really hard to not eat when I get home in the morning because I am just going to sleep with a full stomach.

In other news, I am trying to drink 1 bottle of water when I get home and 3 at work.

I was talking to my cousin Candice about her weight loss plan and she eats 30 g of carbs a day when she is actively losing weight. That is totally crazy to me that's like 1/3 of what I eat. Anyway, I am probably not going to do that but I thought it was interesting.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cassa's Tuesday night check in

Holy cow it was a really hard day today.  My husband decided last minute that he wanted our 1 year old to do swimming lessons so that was a huge whirl wind.  Then we came home and had a healthy lunch and that same 1 year old biffed it and fell on his top teeth.  He had a mouthful of blood.  Gratefully he just had some gum damage which will heal and no teeth damage.  That was so hard for me especially because I have gone my whole life with dental issues.  Afterwards I slipped and got a 32 oz pepsi and a jr roast beef sandwich from Arbys.  Other than that I didn't snack at all.  I also wasn't lazy and either which is a plus.

Molly's Tues. Goals

I had big plans to get up early and either hike around in the Bookcliffs or go to the gym. Well, I woke up at 10:30. So, my new plan is to workout after work. I haven't worked out at Gold's before and for some reason I'm anxious about it. Of course, I'm anxious about everything, so it really shouldn't be that surprising... ;-)

Goals for today:
Drink 4 bottles of water
take healthy snacks to work that will keep me energized
track calories
check back in

Cassa's Day

I'm not feeling like being good today so I thought I should write about it before I sabotage everything.  I went to Zumba this morning and it was so hard.  I left 15 minutes early because I couldn't move my body anymore.  Now I'm so tired and don't have any energy to do anything.  My usual behavior would to be lazy all day and eat whatever I want.  But, that's how I got to this point.  I can't do it.  So, I need to pull myself out and stay on track.  I'll check back in at the end of my day and report how I did.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ugh Molly's Monday Weigh-In

So, I gained almost 2 pounds over the weekend. My weight this morning is 169.6. I guess that's what happens when you eat and eat and eat and eat. And it's not like it was veggies and fruit. It was mostly cake and salty stuff. And very little water.

So, it's time to stop messing around. No more free passes. I am committed to this. I want to be healthy and feel good about myself.

Goals for today:
Drink 4 bottles of water
track calories
check back in

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weird Weigh Ins/ Trying to figure it all out

So I started this post last night then I hit a weird button and posted it then I didn't have the energy to get it back. I weighed myself this morning and I was 227.o which is down from my weigh in on Friday or Thursday or something that was 228.3 (and down from my weight at Lori's house 231.something, yikes) After looking at my food log I am going back to 5 small meals a day, then if I work out I will add in a snack so I can get through it.

I am also going to weigh in every day a couple times a day to see if I can figure out what's going on with my weigh ins.

Cassa's "I have a plan"

Today is a day where I look at what's happening in a week. I want to overcome my problem with food. Here's my problem....are you ready for this....if I don't plan I eat bad!!!! I know, I know I'm a genius! During my search I found this and this week I plan on following it. Almost all of the foods I already eat and buy. I felt the need for a project and here it is. Eat better!!! I know if I eat better I will shed the pounds. Here's the link. Let me know if you want to do it as well.



Friday, June 18, 2010

Molly's Friday Weigh-In

I'm down .6 from Wednesday to 167.4. I didn't do very well with my eating yesterday. I did however drink 4.5 bottles of water, so that's something.

Goals for today:
Drink 4 bottles of water
Take healthy snacks with me to work

Thursday, June 17, 2010

After the massage

I am really exhausted. The massage, and detox was great!! I was rubbed with honey and "flogged" with oak leaves . . . all this happened while I was in a sauna. Then a bucket of freezing cold water was "thrown" across my body. After that, I had one of the best hour massages I've had in a long time. There must have been a lot of bad toxins in my body because it took 3 bottles of water to get me to feeling half way human.

The friends that went with me really enjoyed the treatment. We are planning on going once a month.
I'm off to bed.

Goal for tomorrow: not eat fast food while traveling

Mallory's Goals

So after my negative/whiny post this morning (sorry about that) I feel like I need to re-post. I tracked my food and (as always) was surprised by how fast things add up. My 1/2 a biscuit with peanut butter and jelly that Samantha didn't eat was 200 calories. So, what it boils down to is when I am not tracking my food, I am always underestimating the number of calories/sodium.

I was thinking about what was working for me when I was losing successfully and here are the things I came up with:

1. I had clear, written short and long term goals.

2. I was fully committed to my weight loss, I didn't put anything in my mouth that I didn't plan for and track.

3. I ate very little processed foods.

4. I ate 5 small meals a day.

5. I tracked immediately after I ate, every time and sometimes before I ate so I could plan.

6. I really spent time thinking about what was going on emotionally that was causing me to eat.

7. I was not making justifications for myself.

8. I was rewarding myself for my small goals with non-food items.

9. I had the threat of asking everyone to buy me a membership to a weight loss club instead of Christmas presents.

10. I wanted to lose weight more than I wanted to eat.

So now it's time to fix it. I can attain anything I put my mind to. I am going to print out this list and make notes about how I plan to handle my personal challenges and how I am going to make this work. I am SO tired of being fat and I can do this. Now is the perfect time for me, I am burning tons of calories per day, if I can get my sodium/cal under control, I CAN DO IT.

I took a few minutes to think about my goals and here they are:

Long Term: 200 lbs by Molly's Birthday, that's just under 2 pounds per week which is doable!

160 pounds by my 30th Birthday (April 1, 2010), which is 1.5 pounds per week.

My first short term goal is to be under 220 by July 1st. I weighed myself this morning and I was up to 226, but it HAS to be mostly salt, exercise etc.

I am thinking about the rest of it but I have a plan now, so I can do this!!

Cassa's weight

I went to Weight Watchers and I was up to 191. That is one pound more than when I started. I've got to get this under control.

Molly's 3 Month Goals

In exactly 3 months I will turn 30 years old. Crazy. So, I've been thinking a lot about the future and where I want to be health/weight wise when this occurs.

Yesterday I weighed 168.4. I'm up almost 5 pounds from my lowest point of 162.8 on April 12. It doesn't sound like much, but my BMI (28.02 according to Livestrong.com) is at the high end of the "overweight" range for my height.

So, here is my weight loss goal. By September 17 I want to weight 149.9. I haven't been under 150 in years. And I think that with 13 weeks, I can get there. This will be my birthday present to myself and I'm not going to let myself down!

My goals for today:
Drink 4 bottles of water
track calories
report back tonight

Mallory's Weigh In

I weighed myself this morning because we are going to grand junction this weekend and I wanted to see how I was doing. My weight was 226.3 which is up 4 pounds. Seriously. FOUR pounds. I have been doing GOOD too. Drinking water and eating healthy. Exercise. I thought I would be at 220 or below because I have been burning a ton of calories. Maybe working nights has affected how my weigh in times are. That's all I can think of and it's what I keep telling myself. Otherwise, I just feel like what's the point of all this.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cassa about eating

I am really great about exercising. Today I did chisel at Crossroads and it was sooo hard. I enjoy it and it makes a huge difference in my mood. But....food....well that's another story. I know it all. I know what I need to eat, I know I need to measure, I know I need to track, I KNOW! Then why don't I do it??? Why can't I have self control and not eat that second helping or that cookie. I wish I had more control. I know what I want to look like and I know how I want to feel. I just can't get there. I'm so tired of making excuses, but I'm not willing to stop. I feel like I'm living an oxymoron. I do so much better when my husband isn't home. But now it's summer time and he's home (he's a teacher) and my 8 year old step son is here too. So my eating takes a back seat.

Is this happening to anyone else?

challenge, once again

So, tomorrow I go with 3 friends to Izba Spa for a massage/detox. I am so excited and I've decided to challenge myself . . . once again.
I counted my gout pills, have 37 left and my challenge is that I start an anti-inflamitory eating life style, politically correct wording, and at the end of the 37 days I have my uric acid tested and then see if I am able to keep the levels down without the pills.

Wish me strength to make the right choices.

Today a friend that I am going to see on Saturday, in an email, told me that she had gained back all of the weight that she had lost and wanted to know if I would be embarrassed to go to dinner with her on Saturday evening. She told me she knew I wouldn't be embarrassed; however, she wanted to warn me that she had gained weight. I wasn't sure how to answer this because I don't choose people to do things with that are beautiful, or thin or wealthy, I would like to "choose" a wealthy man :-). Anyway, I told my friend how much I weighed and asked her if she had a problem going out with me. I felt like telling her I was really insulted by her question; however, I didn't want to make her feel bad. What do you think about her asking me this question?

Goals for tomorrow:
drink WATER
enjoy my friends and massage

What day is today?

I feel so upside down. I started to post yesterday and I got about three sentences written and then had to sleep. I started my new job and it's kicking my butt. Yesterday I burned 3500 calories because there is sooooo much walking involved. Anyway, I am going to post and weigh. I am also going to try hard to track my food. So far that's not going well.

Molly's Wed. Weigh In

168.4. Up 4.4 from the last time I weighed myself. Awesome. I'm hoping that with a little self-control and a lot of water I'll be able to shed at least a few of those pounds pretty quickly.

Goals for today:
drink 4 bottles of water
track calories
check back in tonight

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tomorrow is the New Beginning (again)

Tomorrow I'm going to weigh myself for the first time in weeks. It should be kind of horrible. I mean... great. Power of positive thinking, right? Last week was a DISASTER in the diet and exercise area, but I got my Gold's membership set up finally, so I'm going to start working out again. Tomorrow I'm playing tennis with April at the butt crack of dawn. So, that should be some fun times. Anyway, I'm going to post my weight in the morning and we'll go from there.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cassa's Goal

Yes only 1 goal!  Last week was so hard.  Trying to adjust to my step son being with us, my husband home, and a new schedule.  My plan is to go to the gym from 7:45-8:45, except for Mondays because I have piano lessons in the morning.  So I will go sometime in the afternoon.  That's my only goal.  I know if I can at least do that I will feel so much better about myself.  I weighed myself on Thursday and I was at 187.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Molly's Friday

I didn't weigh today because I can't find a scale and I didn't bring mine over. But Monday I am fulling back on the weigh-in train or wagon or whatever. I'm still pondering my long term goals. I will try to solidify those and do a post about them over the weekend.

Today's goals:
drink at least 3 bottles of water
be positive

Mallory's Friday Weigh In

Today my weight was 224.2 which is down .4 from Monday. It is down 25.4 pounds overall and I have 9.2 pounds to go to my next goal which is to get to my lowest weight. At .4 pounds per week it will take me 23 weeks or until November 20th. that's just to get to my next goal. I guess I better step it up. This week is going to be interesting because I start working on Sunday and I am not sure how it's going to be.

My goal for today:

No ice cream
Track and stay within grams of sugar, mg of sodium, and calories
Drink 5 waters
try to keep foot up so it doesn't hurt Sunday

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Magic Water Thursday

I AM GOING TO DRINK 4 BOTTLES OF WATER. Because maybe if I put it in all caps I'll actually do it.

I know tomorrow is weigh-in day. I'm not sure if there's a bathroom scale around here or not. I may bring my scale over from home. I don't know. I think knowing my weight would help motivate me, cuz I know it's not a number I'm going to like. And I've eaten pretty much nothing but crap this week, so it'll definitely not be a friendly number.

I'm going to think about some long term goals. I don't really have an exact weight or plan for reaching it and I think that would be a helpful thing to have in mind. Plus I'll be 30 in 3 months and I'd like to start my 30s off healthfully.

I am blogging!

Once again, my blog wasn't posted. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Darn! I got up this a.m. (5:55) and did yoga with this woman on channel 6 that I usually just sit and watch instead of doing yoga. It was hard!

I tracked my breakfast.

goals: track all day
4 bottles H20
ride bike 30 minutes

Mallory, I'll bring melon and veggies for music in the park. Kabobs sounds good!!

Yea! I'm blogging

I set my alarm for 5:55 a.m. (duh for the a.m. part) and got up to do yoga with this "older" woman on channel 6. I thought it started at six unfortunately it was already on. I did do yoga with her, then after a couple of stretches there was a commercial like it was over . . . so I started do my stretches and it came back on again. All that counts is I did do yoga.
I tracked . . . yea!
I'm going outside to work in yard.

goals: ride bide 30 min.
drink 4 water bottles of H20
track all day long!

Mallory, I'll bring some melon and veggies to the park. The kabobs sound good.

It's Thursday . . .

Which means tomorrow is weigh in day.

I have a concert in the park that we are going to which I am trying to figure out what to take to eat. We are meeting Ann-Erika there and so I am trying to think of something yummy that is portable. Maybe shish-kabobs and then grill them just before we go.

Todays goal

drink 5 waters
check back in tomorrow
get some exercise

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday hotness

It's so hot. And I can't get the swamp cooler to work. The cold water isn't making it all the way to the pads. Luckily it's on the side of the house and not the top of the house and I can just go out and spray it with a hose, but I have to do that about once an hour for it to stay coolish. The good thing about the heat is that it makes it easier to drink water and eat less. I've already finished my first bottle of water and am moving on to number two. I AM going to get through 4 bottles of water today. My other goal for the day is to take something nutricous to work with me so I'm not starving to death and will to eat anything in sight by the time I get off. I know, so overdramatic. The heat is making me whiny. I blame Mr. Ross, lol. My last goal is check back in tonight. Good luck today everyone!

Wednesday madness.

So today I weighed myself and I was down to 223.4 which is 1.2 pounds lower than yesterday. I was very surprised because of my sonic incident but I will take it. My next goal is to get down to my lowest weight which was 215.4 so we'll just say 215. That's 8.4 pounds which if I make some good choices I can totally do!

Todays goals:

Drink 4 waters
Track my food AND stay in my calorie goal of 1340
Burn 2400 calories according to my bodybugg
Bike for 15 min
Stay under control for dinner ( I am going to sushi with Bridget)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lori's check in

Yay Mallory for getting everyone started back into the blogging world. I've personally been hiding but I guess I'm ready to come out now.

So, my weight is about a lb up from last time I blogged (from what I remember anyway), but I'm hoping that it's partly water. However, I am off the diet wagon... because I'm pregnant.

I'm just eight weeks now, so I'm trying to maintain my weight now and not gain too much throughout my pregnancy. I'm a little worried since I've been restricting my calories for so long and not eating what I want, that now I'm going to go buck wild. lol So far I've been pretty good... well, there was that week of Dos three different times, but I'm over that and Mallory is gone.

Anyway, today I found babyfit.com or something like that, where they have a pregnancy calorie tracker and recommend the different values for you based on your gestation, weight, and height. I tried to use it today but it's sooo not user friendly. I'm going to try to log stuff tomorrow and see how it goes, but if it's not good (and I actually track), I might just use livestrong. I know that I'll stay on track better if I'm tracking.

So anyway, YAY! And now you all know :)

Cassa's check in

Hi ladies!  On May 27 when I weighed in at WW I was down 1.4 lbs.  The cool thing about that was my last way in was only 5 days before that.  Then we went to my Grandma's for memorial day and I gained the 1.4 back!  I was just glad it wasn't more.  My routine has changed and it's really hard.  My husband is home for the summer since he is a school teacher and my 8 year old step son is here for 6 weeks.  AHHH!!!  The stress gets really overwhelming.  Yesterday was a really bad day and so I started today out with a pepsi!!!!!  It's gone better (I know it was my attitude and not the pepsi!).  I have been swimming a lot lately and have been good with my water.  But, not good at tracking my food.  Today will be just enough to get to the gym this evening and continue to drink 2 more things of water.

good job girls!

Good job to Molly and Mallory for making the commitment to blog every day and get back on the wagon. I, too, need to get back on the wagon. I have not weighed myself in weeks and I have not even come close to drinking my water lately. I'm trying to get in to a routine with the new job and the crazy early morning hours. When I get off work I feel too tired to do anything but sit. Hopefully once I get used to the schedule I won't feel quite so tired.

Goals for today:
drink 2 more bottles of water
take a nap

Molly's Tuesday Weight Loss (or lack thereof) Update

Um, so, yeah. I have no idea what I weigh because I haven't weighed myself in over a week. What I do know is that my shorts that fit me and were on the way to being too loose in April are now tight. My motivation is lacking. It's not that I don't want it. It's just that I want pasta and cheese and to sit on the couch more. What I think I need is routine. I changed jobs and gyms and have yet to work out at Gold's. I'm feeling intimidated, which I know is silly, because it doesn't matter what other people think. It matters how I feel. And I should just push through it go work out. I'm also house-sitting which has messed up my routine. So, I think for today my goals will be simple: drink 4 bottles of water and take a run/walk around the outside of the property and back with the dogs. The young dog is driving me a little crazy and I kind of want to lock her outside and sit on the couch and eat. It's not good. So, I will check back in and let you know how today goes. I know that daily blogging and checking in helps me SO much. Mallory has made the commitment to blog everyday this month, so I will do it too. We are in this together and we can do it.

Mallory's Tuesday

This morning when I weighed myself I was 224.6 exactly the same as yesterday I was a little disappointed because I drank lots of water and had a good day but that's ok! I know that's why they say you shouldn't weigh daily. I think since I hurt my foot and I can't really bike or run yet I am going to try to do some other exercise. Maybe sit ups. Using the crutches is good exercise too. I was burning in the range of 6 cal/minute while I was using them at the store.

Today's Goals:
To track my food
To drink 4 waters
To check back in tonight

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mallory's Monday Weigh In

Well this morning I weighed myself at 224.6. So that's down 25 pounds from my starting weight. I am right in the range that I have been for months. I am still up 9 pounds from my lowest weight.

Here is my goal for today:

To not eat bread or candy (I have been eating lots of the stuff)
To drink 4 bottles of water
To track on livestrong
To check back in tonight.

I am back on track ladies and ready to kick some butt! Who's with me?