Wednesday, June 16, 2010

challenge, once again

So, tomorrow I go with 3 friends to Izba Spa for a massage/detox. I am so excited and I've decided to challenge myself . . . once again.
I counted my gout pills, have 37 left and my challenge is that I start an anti-inflamitory eating life style, politically correct wording, and at the end of the 37 days I have my uric acid tested and then see if I am able to keep the levels down without the pills.

Wish me strength to make the right choices.

Today a friend that I am going to see on Saturday, in an email, told me that she had gained back all of the weight that she had lost and wanted to know if I would be embarrassed to go to dinner with her on Saturday evening. She told me she knew I wouldn't be embarrassed; however, she wanted to warn me that she had gained weight. I wasn't sure how to answer this because I don't choose people to do things with that are beautiful, or thin or wealthy, I would like to "choose" a wealthy man :-). Anyway, I told my friend how much I weighed and asked her if she had a problem going out with me. I felt like telling her I was really insulted by her question; however, I didn't want to make her feel bad. What do you think about her asking me this question?

Goals for tomorrow:
drink WATER
enjoy my friends and massage


  1. Geesh that's hard. I don't think she needed to ask you if it's okay if you still go together. But, I can certainly understand why she forewarned you. She probably wanted to get rid of the awkwardness. But then what do you say to her..."it's okay you gained all the weight back". If it were me there is a reason why I gain weight and it's not because I like food. It's because I don't feel good about something else. Good luck with that one!

  2. That's crazy. I can't imagine saying that to anyone. I can see how it's a way to break the ice about it. I think that keeping your uric acid down with your diet is a good choice and hopefully it will be a good motivator!

  3. Wow. I can see where you'd be offended, but just think HOW low her self esteem must be in order to ask her friend that. Poor girl.

  4. I love your uric acid challenge!! You can do it! I hope you have a great time at the spa - that sounds so nice!

    I agree with Lori about just how low your friend's self esteem must be to tell you that. I think she's probably protecting herself by telling you ahead of time. That way when you see her she won't have to watch you go through the shock of seeing her with all the weight back on. I would tell her what you told us - that you aren't friends with her because of anything superficial such as looks or weight or money. That you think she's a lovely person or whatever it is you enjoy about her. And if you're comfortable (I don't know how close of friends you are) maybe tell her that you're concerned about her weight gain and ask if there's something else going on. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to.

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. If things feel right, I am going to talk to her about it.
