Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Madness

So, I took Samantha to the hospital at 3 am this morning. Needless to say, I didn't weigh myself this morning, so I don't know how I am doing. I am trying not to stress eat and so far so good, I only have 450 calories left for dinner though.


Make a decent choice for dinner
drink water


  1. You are amazing! In your situation I think I would have stress eaten everything I could get my hands on.

    I've been thinking about you guys all day. I hope Samantha is doing better and will be able to come home soon. I hope you can all get some rest and tomorrow is a better day. :-)

  2. Um yeah so NOT amazing. We got Chili's to go. And I just ordered what I wanted without regard to calories. I had a cheeseburger with fries and we shared the molten lava cake. Guess how many calories were in my dinner? 2400 YIKES

    Grand total for yesterday: 3196 calories and 5660 mg of sodium. Seriously. F U chili's.

    It was a big reminder to TRACK when I go out to eat!
