Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This morning was 150.0 - wahoo! Yesterday I forgot to post, but I was 153.4, which I didn't think was that bad considering my last week of no water and not watching my food too closely. However, looks like I didn't do quite as bad as I thought :)

I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be back in the 140's, which would be exciting for me. I'm also hoping that I'll find time to get to the gym today and just do some elliptical.

I hope you're all having a great day!


  1. I am really glad that it wasn't as bad as you thought! You are doing great!

  2. That's great! I hope your back is feeling better and you get a chance to get to the gym! :)

  3. Ha haa haa - I just realized that my post is titled "Monday" when it actually was Tuesday. Yeah....
