Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Party and Realizations

Yesterday I went to a birthday party with family that I haven't seen since I started my weight loss. They were all very amazed and complimentary. It was what I had been waiting for since I started this. I have just been waiting for the day when I walked into a room and everyone told me how great I looked. That's exactlly what happened.

Please don't take this the wrong way (It was great) but it was not quite what I expected. I am not trying to sound ungreatful or never satisfied but it was odd. I walked in and said hi to everyone, everyone said I looked great, and then it was over. Everything after that was just normal them and normal me. I am not sure quite what I expected, maybe that I would be the shining star of the party and everyone would fight over me to have my attention, bringing me drinks and the best grapes in the land while fanning me with palm fronds. Ok, maybe that took it a little too far, I probably wasn't expecting that.

But, really it didn't matter. I have to lose weight for me and find my own happiness. People's comments didn't stop me from binge eating yesterday. Sigh. It will always be hard, I will always be the one responsible for my own choices, and I will always have a choice to make.

I have been logging into sparkpeople and using it to plan my exercise and they have tons of stuff, but here are some quotes I came across that I liked:

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."

“Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them.”


  1. It's all about shocking yourself I think. As cheesy as it sounds, maybe you should try talking to yourself in the mirror about how good you look when you pass. I have come to the conclusion that I am never going to get the reaction out of people I want. Either they say nothing when I know they can tell I've gained weight, or they say things when I have lost weight and then I get uncomfortable. But you can always give yourself the reaction that you need, and want.

  2. I really like those quotes - especially the one about the barriers. I build my own barriers all the freaking time.

    I signed up for a sparkpeople account. It was a little overwhelming and I didn't stay too long on the site to check everything out, but I think it could be helpful/inspiring. Anyway, it can't hurt, right?
