Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fantasy: One Day it's Going to Click?

Getting this out of the way, haven't lost an ounce, in fact, I think I think I'm up a couple pounds, but I am not weighing right now. I've had some interesting things happen this week that I thought I would share.
Do you ever think that there has to be something wrong with you,and that is why you're not losing weight? You go see Doctor after Doctor and you're just waiting for them to say "here's the issue" and magically you lose 100 pounds. I am in a fantasy land that is just waiting for the problem to be diagnosed. My swim instructor, Alexi (swoon), told me that I absolutely without a doubt had to go see this Dr. Kim. He was so persistent that I was pretty much forced to do it. I made an appointment and surprisingly got in the same day (that never happens). I wasn't sure exactly what kind of Dr. he was since Alexi has kind of broken English, and couldn't describe his technique very well. Come to find out he is a Chiropractor, that also does energy allergy testing (clinical name escapes my mind). Very interesting stuff. He tests your muscle resistance and certain supplements to determine what your body is lacking or getting too much of. He pushed on my arms, bent them funny ways, and tested all types of foods to see how my muscle reflex reacted. I went in thinking that this was all a gimmick and that he was going to tell me how unhealthy I am and try to sell me bottles and bottles of supplements. Total opposite happened. He told me I was extremely healthy (I'm guessing for a girl my size?) and that the only nutrients I am lacking is a few of the B vitamins and vitamin D, from lack of sun. The one bad news he told me was that I have too much caffeine in me and it is causing my bones to pop and joints to loosen. I forgot to mention that I am totally addicted to Energy drinks. He suggested a supplement called Tamusaki, which is carbonized bamboo and a multi vitamin. Each I have to take 3 times a day. He put absolutely no pressure on me to purchase the supplements, but told me if I wanted to feel better and have more energy that I should try them. So I bought the 2 he suggested and have been taking them for the last 4 days. Can't tell a huge difference, but he said it would take about a month. This is what I mean, you think that one day a Dr. is going to magically make everything click, and tell you "No, the binge eating isn't what is making you fat, you're just missing some B Vitamins!" I take a pill, and the weight magically melts off my body. When will I learn that its never gonna happen? And there will be a day when a Dr. says that I am unhealthy and I have serious health problems, or worse, you waited to long to get healthy so you are now unable to have children.
No more depressing thoughts! As my hypno-therapist says, I need to learn to validate myself. This week she spoke to the inner saboteur in me. The one that when everything is in sync does something to sabotage the good I am doing for myself. Sally told me that I need to recognize what the saboteur needs and give her a new job description. When in a hypnotic state she asked her what she was being denied of, and the first thing that came to mind was Validation, the second was power and the third was control. After delving deeper into all three of those feelings she had me think of ways that I could re-direct those feelings into something positive. I can validate myself and love myself, and not wait for everyone around me to validate the way I look. I can use power to exercise and make my body and mind strong. I can use control to control my eating. Wht a great session I had with her!
The point is that I feel stronger this week. I may not have ost a lot of weight, but I'm getting in tune with myself and working out some issues that could help me get to my weight loss goal.
I'll stop my rant now!


  1. I know what you mean about wishing there was a magic pill or a magic something that would take off your weight. I think we have all wished that at one point or another.

    I think your hypnotherapy sounds very interesting. One of the things that stood out from what you were saying about your appointment is one of the things that I have learned on my journey: your power, control and validation come from within you.

    I never before thought about being a powerful person until I started this journey. I can choose to have control of myself and my choices or I can expect a miracle cure and wait for something to happen. I can wait for validation or I can give it to myself.

    Carrie you are stronger than you know, we all are, YOU can do this!

  2. Carrie, I think it's great that you're swimming and trying different things and are feeling stronger!

    I think the hypnotherapy stuff is facinating and I really hope it's helping.

    I don't know if you saw my comment on one your posts a few weeks ago, but I was wondering you had been tested for type 2 diabetes? I just ask because I know you were worried about it. And honestly I'm a little concerned about you. And I'm sure you know this, but if you do have it, it's treatable and even reversable. Getting treatment and adjusting your diet will make you feel a lot better, too. If you need someone to go to the doctor with you, I would be happy to go. And if I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, I'm sorry. I just want you to be healthy and happy! You deserve that.

  3. I never did go to the Dr. Molly. It's one of those things where if nobody tells me then it doesn't exist. Stupid, I know. I guess I'm hoping that I can start losing some weight and reverse the effects it's already had on me. I am thankful for your support though! This is the year I was going to start off right and go see all the Dr's I need to see. You know, get a physical, go to the gyno, go to the Dentist. Isn't it weird that the only one I've been to is the Dentist. That's probably because my teeth are very healthy and the least of my problems. Anyway, I will make an appointment to get tested. If I don't have it, I am definitely on my way to it. Thank you for the support, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!

  4. Carrie, I totally get the whole stick your head in the sand thing - I'm pretty much the queen of it. I've been putting off those same trips to the same types of doctors for years now. It's awesome that you went to the dentist and that your teeth are healthy! :-) And I'm so glad that you're going to make an appointment! I know you can handle whatever they tell you. What's that saying "God only gives you as much as you can handle" or something? I believe that.

    By the way, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at Vanessa's shower!
