Monday, November 2, 2009

Still sick... and now back up too.

So we've been sick FOREVER now. Seriously, this is over 2 wks now. I'm definitely feeling better than I was before, but not great. I have the cough from Hell and definitely a reduced lung capacity and I get tired pretty quickly. So, with the kids being sick, then going to Mallory's, then getting sick again, I haven't been to the gym in like a month. That's CRAZY! Anyway, b/c I was so sick for a week, I was back down to 157 (which isn't great, but it's a 2 lb loss or something like that). Well, this past week has not been good for me eating wise. With candy in the house, I've been eating it way too much. So this morning I was up to 159.4.

So here are my goals:
1. get feeling better
2. no candy
3. drink water (I've been terrible about this while I've been sick. If it wasn't tea, yes I know that's water, or pop, I haven't drank it)

When I get feeling better I'm GOING BACK TO THE GYM! I'm not sure if I'll take the girls back to the daycare there or not though. With the flu being so bad this year, I don't think I'll risk it. Aaron has said he'll help watch the girls so I can go every day, although I probably won't be able to go to my favorite classes and whatnot, but at least I'll be going.

Oh, and now our car is broken. Aaron replaced the starter yesterday, but that didn't fully fix it. Seriously, it's only a 2006. Anyway, hopefully we can get it fixed today or tomorrow so that I actually CAN go to the gym if I get feeling better.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're feeling better soon!! Being sick is so annoying. And drinking water seems like such a chore sometimes, but drinking a lot of fluids might help you get better faster.

    And that really sucks about your car!
