Monday, November 2, 2009

It's a Dia de los Muertos Miracle!

174.8 - Down .2. I really thought I'd be up a couple pounds. I ate all my calories for the day on Saturday before I went to the halloween party next door. And yesterday I binge ate like crazy. My hormones will be taking the blame for that. I think my saving grace was the water. I drank 4 32 oz. bottles of water yesterday. I was so thirsty! I couldn't get enough.

Goals for today:

Drink 3 bottles of water
track calories
1400 calories
don't try eat my feelings away*

*We're moving my grandma into assisted living tomorrow. Today we're moving her furniture. This is hard for me and I'm really trying to not comfort myself with food.


  1. I'm sorry that you're having to move your Grandma into assisted living. I know it can be hard, and probably especially for you since you've been the one to help her out so much with everything in the last year. ((hugs)) It'll be ok. Is it the one behind my old house in Palisade?

    And way to go on the weight loss! Especially over a holiday!

  2. Thanks. It will be ok. It actually wasn't as bad as thought it might be. I'm not sure how tomorrow will go, but hopefully it will go smoothly. Gram's eager to get out of the nursing home and hopefully she won't hate it out in Palisade. It is the place behind your old house. It's under new ownership and they've fixed it up and it should be pretty nice. And it's a lot closer to us. Hopefully she'll be comfortable there. :)

  3. Did ok today. Went over my calories by about 300, but I was moving furniture and boxes and packing stuff for most of the day, so I'm ok with that. I drank 80 ounces of water, which is good, but could have been better. But all in all I'm pretty satisfied with the way today went. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

  4. So how did it go with your grandma? Is she all settled in?

  5. It pretty much sucked. She's having a hard time (obviously) and my uncle was being an ass and it just made me really sad. But hopefully she'll get into a routine and settle in and be ok. My dad said she was doing better today. I'm going to see her tomorrow, so we'll see. Thanks for asking. :)

  6. My uncle is just an ass. He's an old, crotchety, racist, macho jerk who feels like he has to be in charge of everybody because he's the "head of the family" - his words, not mine. But in his role as head the family he can only do the manly things, of course. And heaven forbid he be even remotely sensitive to how anyone else feels about anything. He really made me angry if you can't tell.
