Monday, November 16, 2009

Molly's Monday

I some how lost 1 whole pound over the weekend. Not sure what happened there, but I'll take it! So, my weight today is 173.0, down 4.8 from my starting weight of 177.8. I'm 5.2 pounds from my ten pound loss goal, which is 167.8. I think I may modify that to 165. I like round numbers. To reach 165 I will need to lose 8 more pounds by Jan 1. That is doable. This week my goal is to lose 2 pounds.

Goals for today:

Drink 3 bottles of water
track calories: keep it under 1400
clean tile floors, vacuum, dust, do laundry


  1. Nice! Way to go, it seems like you have been doing good, while still going out and having fun! That's awesome! I just don't think that never doing anything fun is worth losing weight. If you can lose weight and have a life then that is total success!

    As for increasing your goal, I was thinking about doing the same, I am just worried that with all of the delicious and terrible foods for me of the holiday season that I won't make my goal and then I will be depressed. But if you can do it so can I right? Yes, we can so do it!

  2. I swear I wrote a comment earlier asking you what your new goal was going to be, but apparently it didn't post. I share your trepidation about the the holidays and all the delicious and bad for you stuff that is going to be EVERYWHERE. But, I really think we can do this!! And I agree that there's not point in losing weight if you're not having any fun in life!

    I did pretty well today. I got through 3 bottles of water and my calories are 5 over my livestrong goal after having some hot cocoa and whip cream. The only bad thing was my sodium intake - over 3000 mg. Oh, and I didn't do the dusting, but I did vacuum and clean half the tile floor, so that was at least good.

  3. Nice, I did not clean my floors. I don't know what my new goal will be? 215? 220? My goal isn't the end of the year, it's 4 weeks from Friday. So I guess maybe 215 should be doable. Yikes, I have a problem commiting! LOL.
