Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An Official Proclamation (and Wednesday Goals)

So, I am amending my goal - officially - from losing 10 pounds by Jan. 1, to having my weight be 165 by Jan. 1. That adds 2.8 pounds of loss to my goals. As of Monday I weighed 173.0, so I have 8 pounds to go for a total of 12.8 pounds shed from my rotund form. By Jan. 1. It's gonna be awesome!

Goals for today:
Drink 3 bottles of water
Track calories, Stay under 1350
Exercise - I'm thinking dance party
And I really need to do laundry. Seriously!!


  1. Can we do a video conference call dance party? LOL! That sounds like a great amendment to your goal, round numbers are happy. Speaking of quirky things like liking round numbers, I also like Right better than Left and West better than East.

  2. LOL, that would be awesome!! I highly recommend dance party as exercise. It's fun! I just put on some head phones and dance around the kitchen when no one else is home. It kinda freaks the cat out, but whatever, he's half freaked out all the time anyway. And even if it's only 10 or 15 minutes, I can get my heart rate up pretty quickly and burn some calories. Good times!

    I like West better than East, also! And I like North better than South. I don't really have a Right or Left preference, but I think that's because I can't keep them straight.

  3. Agreed. North is soooo much better than South. I am glad you understand because Justin thinks I am insane!

  4. Today went ok. I got a little carried away at dinner. So my calories are 1456. And my sodium was really high again, which I kind of thought it would be (I added salt to several things today) but the tacos were really high. I never realized how much sodium is in flour tortillas! Anyway, I've had 3.5 bottles of water so far - I'm planning to finish this fourth bottle before bed. And I had my dance party. Good times. The cat was extra freaked out thanks to some Bel Biv Devoe that I played for him!

  5. Good water intake and good about your dance party! I started making my own salsa because I didn't want the store bought salsa with all the sodium. Well, and because I LOVE condiments and would eat a condiment on everything but now I pretty much only eat salsa on everything.
