Friday, November 6, 2009

Random things

I was reading our local newspaper and came across this quote that I really liked:

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." Abraham Lincoln

It really made me think about all of my struggles and when I am not doing my best and a conversation that I had with Lori came to mind. We were talking about how much being skinny, thin, healthy matters and I told her that I didn't really ever think about being skinny just about not being fat. I think that the idea of even being normal (size 12 jeans or whatever) is so far out of the realm of my thoughts that I don't really want success. The idea is nice but it seems like it's so far away. So today's resolution is to imagine what success would mean to me. It would be a success to get to 200 but it wouldn't be done. I don't really even know what done would look like. 155 pounds would put me just inside "normal" for my bmi. Seriously what would I even look like at 155 pounds? I remember being in the 140's in early high school I don't know if I grew taller after that or not. How tall are you Molly?

The other thing I came across but now I cant find where I read it is that you should drink half of your weight of water a day so I weigh 235 so I should be drinking 117 ounces of water a day. Also that each glass of tea should be counted as 1/2 cup of water.


  1. I love that quote! Abraham Lincoln was very courageous and he wrote all his own speeches. I'm reading "John Adams" by David McCullough. I'm a huge American history geek anyway, but the dedication the Founding Fathers had and the hardships they and their families went through is so amazing. I find it very inspiring. If John Adams can endanger his life by committing treason to found a new nation ruled by the people, then maybe I should be able to resist that candy bar. But, I digress.

    I am 5' 4 3/4". I haven't grown since 7th grade. Except outward. :)

    I like your resolution! And I know what you mean about not wanting sucess because it's so far out of your current realm. I have that issue in other areas of my life. Every once in a while I can see what I want and what sucess would mean, but I don't seem able to keep it with me and keep moving toward it. I think I'm going to adopt your resolution and focus on what sucess is to me.

  2. First off, it seems like that's a lot of water! But, when I was going to the gym and doing really good, I'd drink 3 of my water bottles a day which would be like 96 oz, so I guess it's not too much more. It'd be a good thing to add in and see how it affects your weight loss.

    I agree that success is different to different people. And success is different depending on where you are and what your circumstances are. When I was at my highest, my "craziest" dream would be to be at 160 but I never really thought I'd get there, my success was probably around 180. I was 185 when I got pg with Sophie and I'm sure that it was success to me then. I got down to 172 before I got pg with Brielle and that was success at that point in my life. And now if I maintain in the lower 150's, I'm good. It's all relative.

    What I get from the quote is more along the lines of - - Someone else, say a hubby a sister, a friend, whatever, can't have the strongest resolution to succeed, it has to be you. Like with my sister - it's nice that I want her to change and succeed in her life, but until she wants it and has a resolution to change her life, then it doesn't matter what I want. Of course, lately, my mind automatically goes there (my sister).

    Anyway, I'm digressing... and rambling. And that's never a good combination.

    What I mean is - I totally think that deciding what success is to you is important. When I did LAWL in Louisiana, the first thing they ask is what your goal is. And I don't think that it has to be your "final" goal either.
