Monday, November 16, 2009

Mallory's Monday

This morning I weighed myself and my weight was 229.2. Yay! This is exactly 20 pounds overall and a 5.2 pound loss in the last week. And I reached my first goal of 230. I said that when I reached that goal I was going to get myself a present. So yesterday (in hopes that I would reach my goal today) I went shopping and bought a really cute shirt! AND it wasn't in the "women's" section. And I also found a CUTE jacket that I bought that will be my halfway to 200. So, I wrapped it and it will be my present when I am 224.6 or less!

Ok so goals for today:

Drink 4 bottles of water
Clean floors in my house
Track and stay within my calories


  1. Good for you!!!! I'm so proud of you!! You should have Justin take a picture of you in your new shirt and post it. I want to see how awesome you look!!

  2. The day went well, I stayed within my calories, was mostly motivated, although I didn't do the floors, I did do some other house work! I drank my water. Yay
