Monday, March 1, 2010

Mallory's Monday

So today I weighed 219.0. I made a cake last week. For no particular reason, I just decided to make one. Ug, but now that's all gone and I am back with the plan. Today means I have 1 month to lose the weight that I want to PLUS the four pounds I have gained since making that goal. :( So, I am not going to think about how much that is I am just going to do my best!

Today's goal:

Practice riding bike with kids in the trailer. It's fine until there is any sort of uphill. then it kind of killed me.
Cook some chicken.
Do my cleaning from the list
Drink 4 bottles of water

Side note, I had edamame last night for dinner and it was pretty yummy and pretty filling


  1. I love edamame for dinner!! I used to eat it a lot. I also used to put a TON of salt on it. Ah well, you live and you learn.

    I think the bike trailer is awesome! You'll get so strong so fast.

    Good luck with your goals today!! We can so do this!!!

  2. Yay, today has gone fairly well so far, three bottles of water in so far, chicken cooked and more marinating.

    After I steamed the edamame I put a little bit of reduced sodium salt and garlic powder on the pods. Then when I sucked out the peas it was flavorful and yummy!

  3. I love edamame too! Sounds so good right now! I hear ya about the cake. For no apparent reason I made cookies on Sunday. And then continued to eat the batter and the cooked cookies all day long.

    This doesn't have to do with weight loss but cakes. Do you have a white cake recipe that you use when you make cakes or do you use a box? I'm doing a wedding cake in June and am trying to get a good white cake recipe.

  4. I have a recipe, but I don't think it's particularly good though.
