Friday, March 12, 2010

Can't get it together

To be expected my weight is 147.0 this morning which is up from Monday. Some good things for the week are that I drank my water and I exercised 3 days. A bad thing is that I can't seem to control what I eat. It seems like the more I tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy and limit snacks, the more I actually eat (and junky stuff too). It's good that I can get my water and exercise in control but I know if I can't get my eating in control then I'll never achieve my goal of being healthy. Again, I say this, if I know what I need to do then why is it so hard?

Goals for the weekend:
exercise both Saturday and Sunday
drink lots of water
don't go overboard on the eating

Hope you all have a good weekend!


  1. ALWAYS ask myself why it's so hard when I know what I need to do, you are not alone!

  2. I don't know what that's about either, but I do it too. Good for exercising and drinking your water!
