Monday, December 7, 2009

Lori's Monday

This morning was 154.4, which is .2 higher than yesterday. I'm fine with that, b/c it's still a really big loss for over all for a week. Yesterday just wasn't a good day. This weekend has been a hard one not having Aaron home (and he won't be home for another 2 wks) and I let it get to me. I still did ok on my food, around 1100 calories, but didn't get to my 1400 calorie deficit (1000 instead) but a lot of those calories were from banana chips that I was "making for the kids." Today I am promising myself that I am bagging up the remaining chips and putting them in the cupboard so hopefully I won't eat them all.

I am not feeling motivated at all yet today - - I'm still at my pity party about Aaron being gone, I'm tired (thanks to a lovely night of texting with my sister and the girls getting up way too early), and it's stinking cold and dark. I just want to crawl back in bed. Or eat. Yes, eat a million different things that I shouldn't have.

Anyway, I am going to give myself another 20 mins, but then I've gotta snap out of it and get myself and the kids ready for kickboxing this morning.

No more banana chips
3 bottles of water
Calories around 1200 or under
1400 deficit
stop feeling so sorry for myself and trying to make myself feel better by eating. Isn't this the story of my life!?!

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