Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Weigh In

So I have just not had my heart in this the past couple days. I would like to say it's because I have been so busy getting ready for Christmas that I haven't had time to eat well. But that's not it. I think I am getting anxious about everything. The party, going to dad's, Christmas. And all of the things that I have planned and need to do, but I am not really doing any of it. I feel like time is going by so fast and instead of getting it together and doing all of those things that I know I need to do, I am just spinning my wheels.

Things are getting done, but they aren't really the most pertinent things. I generally like this time of year but right now it seems overwhelming and ridiculous. I am making some coffee, and I am going to stay focused on the most immediate thing, getting ready for the party.

So, now that we have discussed Mallory's personal emotional crisis, let's move on to weight loss. I have been terrible about tracking for the past two days. I didn't drink a single bottle of water yesterday. I have eaten fast food three times in the past two days. I haven't exercised for two days. I have been generally sucking it up. When I weighed myself this morning I was 223.4. Yes it's up two pounds, however considering how bad it could have been I am ok.

Today is a new day and my expectations are going to be high for myself.

Track 20 min of exercise
Drink 4 bottles of water
Track everything I eat.


  1. It is so hard when you're so busy with preparations and whatnot... and you have a biiiiggg thing to prepare for. It would make me stress eat like nobody's business. You'll get it together though :) And I'm glad you posted the pics - you look awesome and you're sooo on your way!

  2. You will totally get through this!!! I know exactly how you feel. The best thing to do is pick the most important thing that needs to get done from your list of things and just do it. I know it's easy for me to say. But once you get one of those looming things done you'll feel better!
