Monday, January 4, 2010

Self Sabotage

Ok, so I just wanted to discuss my problem I have been having, I am doing relatively well as far as what I am preparing for my meals. I have been getting a good balance of healthy carbs, proteins, low-ish sodium etc. My problem is unconscious eating.

I mean, just shoving things in my mouth, even when I am not hungry and don't really even like them. Seriously I need to get a grip. Today's example: I went to pick my mom up and she hadn't had breakfast. This was at 1030 mind you. So she comes out with a can of SALTED , ROASTED mixed nuts. I kid you not. Now I don't really care for salted nuts, but as I was sitting next to her in the car I sure shoveled half of them in my mouth.

That brings us to later, when I sat down at the computer to track the nuts. I looked them up and as soon as I saw the calories per serving my heart dropped. My nuts that I ate were more calories than breakfast and my clementine. Twice as much. It's ridiculous. Thank goodness it was nuts and not butterfingers. Cause I would have eaten those too, I'm sure.

I also had a couple goldfish which I am sure that 5 gold fish isn't that bad but added to all the other things and over time, all I am doing is cheating myself. I can't get a grip. Short of not being around those things, I don't know what to do. Thanks, you guys for letting me ponder out loud!


  1. You know, I love using livestrong, but I have decided that I need to actually write down what I'm eating in a notebook as soon as I eat it. Granted its like the first day, but I have found that its helping me think about what I'm eating, and I can immediately right it down because the notebook is always with me. I totally hear you about mindless eating. I'm trying to take up hobbies so that I can keep my hands busy like knitting. Its great because time goes by so quickly and it helps me to not eat while I'm watching tv.

  2. Yeah, the notebook is a good idea! Thanks Carrie!

    I should get out the cross stitch stocking that I have but only have started.

  3. Those are both good ideas too. I need to come up with something as well b/c I soooo want to snack every night when the kids go to bed. I just FEEL like I should have dessert, ya know what I mean? Anyway, I've been drinking a lot of water and pop to try to curb those nasty demons. Water to fill me up, pop to satisfy the sweet craving (yes, diet soda).

    I also keep a fiber granola bar in my diaper bag/purse. That way if I get stuck out somewhere and get really hungry, I'm not as tempted to get fast food, get something equally as bad for me, or not eat and then over eat when I get home.
    BUT I think it's different for everyone too. The committment to me that I put everything on livestrong that I eat makes me more concious about it b/c I know I'm going to have to look up those 5 goldfish.
