Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It has been great reading everyone's posts. The article Mallory posted about sugary drinks was just the information I needed since I have been battling what the doctors are calling gout. Thanks for that Mallory! I ate 3 tablespoons of chocolate ice cream in a sugar cone last night, after I counted my calories and was ticked at myself. After I ate it, of course, I thought I should have mixed some frozen strawberries in some plain yogart, frozen it and put that in a cone. Next time. I just have to remember the mantra Maureen told me . . . "nothing tastes as good as being healthy". Sorry, Maureen, I changed one word because the word "thin" really bothers me. Not sure why. Probably some past hang up I have.
Goal for tomorrow . . . DRINK MORE WATER and EAT BREAKFAST

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, there is always next time! And good for you for thinking about what you could have done. Good luck today!
