Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Weigh In

So this morning my weight was 218.4 which is my lowest weight ever! I lost .2 lb since last week but that's good because one day when I weighed myself it was 222.2 so I am back down from that. I do want this week to be a little more productive than last week.

One of my problems, I think is that I have been wanting to eat at night after dinner. So this week's goal is to not eat at night after dinner.

Also my goal is to recognize when I am eating for emotional reasons vs hunger. I really had a hard time with it on tuesday and wednesday.

I really hate that I do well with my eating plan 5 days out of the week and I am so bad the other two that it means virtually no weight loss. I think if I followed the plan 7 days a week I would lose so much faster. And if I were doing something fun or seeing people or something that I was benefiting from it would be ok too, but it's just that I am sad so I eat.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for losing, even if it's just a little. Eating at night is one of my biggest issues. And it's totally an emotional and/or boredom thing for me, too.

    I'm sorry that you're feeling sad. I was feeling really down and unmotivated yesterday and April and I went for our weekly walk and it helped sooo much. I think it was the combination of fresh air, moving, and having someone to talk to and pull me out of my head.

    Give me a call at the house if you want to talk - I promise I'll answer the phone. I have to work from 4-7, but otherwise I'll be here.
