Monday, September 7, 2009

Mallory's Weigh in

I weighed in today at 245.8 this morning. That's 1.6 pounds higher than I was before.

I am going to start posting goals in the morning and then checking back in in the evening for how I did. Today we are going to go to a lake and take a picnic.

- I am going to get up right now and bake some chicken and cut up veggies instead of getting cheese and deli meat and crackers.

- I am going to drink 3 water bottles of water.

- I am going to fast walk/jog holding one of the kids at the lake for 30 minutes.

- I am going to track everything I eat today.

- I am going to have between 1200-1400 cal

- I am not going to cry because my weight was up.


  1. At the park I did eat chicken and veggies and pineapple and then I ate 4 cookies. Doh!

    I only drank two water bottles.

    I walked jogged around the lake for 15 minutes with Samantha

    I had 1300 cal yesterday. So for the most part I was on track although I didn't quite reach my goals.

  2. You may not have have done EXACTLY what you planned, but I think you did awesome!! Good job!
