Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday's Weigh In

This morning my weight was 240.2. That's a 2.8 pound loss. I think things are clicking for me I was feeling hungry and munchy all the time, but I think that cutting out some of the breads has really helped me not have as many food cravings. My mother in law brought ice cream and gummy worms and I really didn't have any desire to eat them. That's wierd huh? But at the same time I certainly would not have eaten a ton of them anyway in front of her.

On a separate note, I am officially lighter than Justin. He was looking at a picture of himself on our computer last night and he said, oh, I look so fat in that picture. And I didn't know what to say, our relationship is not one of placating or empty words, so I said, "honey, I really don't think that you are any heavier in that picture than you are right now. " And actually the picture was before we had gone to Cabo last time so I think he might have even weighed 15 pounds less. And he was like, "No!" And kinda laughed. Hmm, now sometimes he will think about these things and then we talk about them later or sometimes he just blows them off. We shall see.

Today we are going to the zoo so today's goals are

pack stuff to eat that is not a pb&j sandwich.

drink water

track on livestrong


  1. Wow Mallory - that's great! I mean, that's a 2.8 lb loss from WEDNESDAY, right?! That's pretty dern amazing :) GO YOU!

  2. Good for you, Mallory! Hope you had fun at the zoo!

  3. We had a great time! It was awesome!
