Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I needed a good day!

So Lori keeps saying, "I bet if you drink tons of water, you'll be fine!" So, after my 4th or 5th weigh in of going up and up and up I thought maybe I actually needed to take this seriously. Yesterday, I was soooo good. I also drank 5 bottles of water (like 160 ounces of water) I also had to pee all night long. So this morning I got on the scale hoping for a miracle because I didn't know if I could handle another day of hard work with no pay off.

When I got on the scale it was 243.0 which is a 6.4 pound loss from my last weigh in. Yay! Seriously, I am not sure I could have done another day without something.

So today's goals are:

Drink water - 3 bottles

Track intake

Eat no sugar - even 1 or 2 m&m's when Ryan gets them


  1. WAHOOOOOOO! That's is sooooo AWESOME! :) Yay! I'm so glad! See, I told you ;) lol

  2. That is so awesome!!! Good for you!! That's a huge loss in only a couple days!!! That makes me want to go drink some water right now. Good job and I hope today goes well for you!! :)

  3. That is pretty sweet Mallory! Way to go!
