Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hey, has anyone ever considered getting something like the bodybugg? Or known anyone who has it? Hmmm, it looks so cool, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it.


  1. I don't know what that is, but I'm going to google it. :)

  2. Ok, I googled it. I don't know anyone that has it or anything like it. Personally I don't think it's for me. It's too hardcore for me. Or I'm not hardcore enough for it. My problem is self control and I don't see that changing with a BodyBugg. It does look cool, though.

  3. It does look cool! but Expensive :(

  4. I just googled it as well and I think it would be cool, but I agree that it is expensive! BTW did anyone watch Biggest Loser last night?

  5. Yay! I love the biggest loser! (Not yay on the outrageous price tag for a bodybugg.) Oh my gosh I cried at Abby's story - I can't imagine! But I just love that show! I wish we all could be on the ranch for a little while!

  6. My husband said that I should try to get on the show. I thought that was funny, I'm petty sure my story isn't sad enough. If I was a drinking girl, I would make up a drinking game to the biggest Loser. Every time someone breaks out in tears, you take a shot! Most of the time my heart goes out to them, some of them really deserve the empathy. Other times I want to say suck it up and get back on the ladder!

  7. I'm pretty sure that none of us qualify weight wise anymore. Each season gets bigger and bigger - we're all under the lightest person on the show, I'm pretty sure. Although it would be so cool!
    And yes - JUST GET ON THE LADDER! lol, I'm pretty sure that a drinking game to the Biggest Loser wouldn't be what Jillian and Bob had in mind, lol. Maybe situps or something.... but that's not happening here.
