Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Not the weigh in I wanted...but whatever!

Ok so I replaced the battery in my stupid scale (it's always going to be called that until it gives me the numbers I want to see! :) Anyways, it was probabbly not the best idea to weigh at 11:00 am after I had just scarfed down a 6 inch Subway sandwich (and NO it was not turkey. We'll leave it at that!) So my weight is 247.2 which is still down from my starting of 257.8, but up a few pounds from my weigh in with the hard ass (excuse my mouth) trainer. I had better get a move on ya think? Tennis anyone? Are you all still playing on Wednesday nights? Let me know!


  1. We are playing tonight at 6:30 at Lincoln Park. Join us! The more the merrier! And I'm sure those extra pounds are from your sandwich. And it's my personal belief that all scales are stupid. The only one I trust is the one in the doctor's office and even then we have a love/hate relationship. It loves to tell me I'm overweight and I hate it.

  2. Definitely come on Wed nights! I think we're just going to leave it at 6:30 Wednesdays at Lincoln Park. We were doing it at 6:00 but we're gonna see if it works a little better later for people. We'd love to have you! :)

    And yeah, I try to never weigh myself unless it's in the morning, after going to the bathroom, and before consuming anything! lol
