Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Weigh In

So today is Friday, Lori reminded me that it is weigh in day! My weight was 243.o today which is down 2 pounds from my last weigh in. Yay! I am not super proud of that weight because I have not been eating that well but I have been active and drinking some water.


  1. Two pounds is awesome! Good job!

    My weight today is 170.2, which is down .8 from Wednesday. I've been trying to watch what I eat, although I haven't been doing so hot. And I really should drink more water. So, that's what I'll do. Have a nice weekend, everybody!

  2. Two pounds IS awesome! You have so much willpower!... if I were you... that cake would be gone. hmmmmmmm (Mallory is in a cake decorating class right now. Talk about torture!)

  3. You're taking a cake decorating class and you still lost two pounds in one week?!?!? Wow. You have willpower that I can't even imagine having.
