Friday, May 21, 2010

My Challenge

Hi girls! Things have been crazy and busy here, but I'll post about that stuff at a later time.
Anyway, I am in for the challenge! Mine is going to be to drink at least 3 bottles of water every day, give up Diet Coke (or at most have 12 oz a day), and to exercise 2-3 times per week. If I can, I'm also going to try to track, but it's not part of my official challenge b/c since Aaron is out of town, I'm eating with parents a lot more and it's so hard to track when you're not the one cooking or you're eating out (from restaurants that don't offer nutrition facts).

So I've already started giving up soda (which, Cassa, I would totally switch to diet if I were you, the calories and sugar in regular are off the charts. Mallory - you should post that email you sent me about the sugar cubes!). Wednesday I had a 20 oz diet coke, yesterday 10 oz, and today I haven't had any. Yahoo! This is a major accomplishment for me since I was practically bathing in it before ;)

And my MIL is going to come over and watch the kids twice a week so I can go to the gym - yahoo! So I did that this week and went for a walk with Molly today as well. So, even though Aaron is gone, I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep up my gym time at least twice a week.

I hope you guys are doing well!

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