Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, I have been thinking about what I was doing differently at the end of last year compared to what I am doing now. I am tracking, drinking water, getting some exercise but I think the main difference is my attitude. I am not sure how to really change it all but I think that one of the things is that I need to make sure I am not being overly upset when I don't lose weight. I also think I need to celebrate my loss over time. I have been looking at the weeks or two week timeframe and not focusing on my big picture. So from now on I am going to start posting my overall weighloss, my lowest weight and my loss from the last week.

Also I read an article that I liked this morning so I thought I would share it:

I hope everyone had a great day!


  1. So as of yesterday I was down 27 pounds from my highest weight, up 7 from my lowest weight!

  2. I think that's a really good idea that you're doing. Rather than focusing on one week in time or a couple days (because we know weight can fluctuate quite a bit) you're looking at the whole picture. Good for you and I hope this helps you get back where you want to be.
