Monday, April 5, 2010

Molly's Monday Weigh-In

163.6!! Maybe I have a tape worm. That's down 3.2 from Friday and 2.6 from Monday. That's crazy! I haven't had a loss that big in months! I'm pretty sure it was the water. No matter how much we talk about how important water is for weight loss, I'm always surprised how true it is. Yesterday I drank 5 bottles of water just because I was super thirsty. So weird, but awesome.

Goals for today:
track calories
drink at least 3 bottles of water


  1. That is BEYOND AWESOME! I am so proud of you! You are doing such a good job! Isn't it wierd how sometimes you can drink 4 bottles of water and still be thirsty and sometimes you can't choke down 1?

  2. Thanks! The water thing is totally weird. Today I woke up really thirsty, but I still had a hard time choking down my third bottle of water, even after a workout. I'm going to try to drink another 1/2 bottle before bed. My calories are right about 1,000, although my sugar is really high. Dumb (delicious) angel food cake!
