I had more steroid injections into my spine on Monday and my back still isn't feeling great. I'm hoping that it'll continue to get better. I also had my 6 wk OB apt on Monday so now I am clear to exercise but was just told to take it easy with my back. Today I am going to go to kickboxing for the first time in probably 3 months.
My weight today was 186.4, so it's coming down, just slowly. I think that's 1.6 lbs down since this time last week. My dr also put me back on my glucophage (which he took me off of right after birth), so that'll help regulate my sugars and I'm hoping it'll help me lose weight faster. We'll see.
My eating has been pretty good, although I find it hard to track. I just need to not eat at my parents' house... they have girl scout cookies. At least I just had two on Tuesday - I could eat the whole box in a matter of minutes I'm sure. ;)
It sucks that your back isn't what you expected it to be. I think your weight loss is great all things considered!!