Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Friday, again.

Is it bad that I've already forgotten the exact number and I weighed myself like 2 minutes ago? Yes, it is. Ah well. It was 155.6 or 155.4, idk. I'm good with that. I even had brownies yesterday. Then I gave them away to my mom so I wouldn't eat the rest of the pan! lol

In other news, I am sick now too, so that rounds out my family. Wahoo (read sarcastically please!).


  1. Bummer that you're sick. Hope you're feeling better soon! Take care of yourself and I'll see you in Thornton! :) And way to give away the brownies - not sure I wouldn've been able to do that. I heart brownies...

  2. Seriously, great job for giving away the brownies. I am with you Molly, I heart brownies too! I have visions of standing over the brownie pan at 10 oclock and drinking out of the milk carton. Hmmm, that's a lovely thought huh? Is Aaron sick too? Ug, what's with that?
