Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Chubster or Skinny Bitch

So, I think we all know I'm on an anti-depressant. I take Lexapro, which, it turns out has a possible side effect of increased appetite and weight gain. I was just reading up on it on Livestrong.com (they have everything on there!). My doctor may have told me about this side effect, but honestly I don't remember. Anyway, there was a discussion about weight gain from anti-depressants and I read part of it. One woman commented that she and a few friends, all on various anti-depressants, including Lexapro, had all gained an average of 40 pounds. So they decided against doctors' advice to wean themselves off. She said she had lost around 20 pounds without changing anything else. She also said she would "rather be a skinny bitch than a happy chubster." Just for the record, I think that's insane. I would MUCH rather be a "happy chubster" than a skinny, miserable, depressed bitch. Been there, done that. It sucked.

But the point is, I now realize that I have to work harder and be more diligent about my eating. Like I was doing last spring. Because I can't quit my anti-depressant. So, if I'm going to reach my goal of losing 10 pounds my Jan. 1, then I need to step it up.

So, goals for today:

Track on Livestrong
Eat 1500 cals
Create a weight lifting regime using my dad's bowflex
Drink 3 bottles of water
Go for a walk


  1. Tracked on livestrong. I went over my calories, but I was pretty active today. I didn't go for a walk. I didn't quite get around to creating my lifting regime, but I'll do that tomorrow. I've had 80 oz. of water today, which I'm pretty happy with. So, I accomplished not quite any of my goals, but whatever. I'm ok with what I did today.

  2. Wow! I am really proud of you! As I was reading your post, I really thought,"Ok she is going to tell us that she isn't going to continue trying to lose weight that she is just going to continue to be happy and chubby." I think that not giving up, even though you have read that it may be harder than you thought is INCREDIBLY brave and strong! I think with that attitude you WILL accomplish your goal!

    Also, 80 oz of water is awesome, and going over on your calories isn't as important as the fact that you tracked them! I mean if you went over by 100 or 200, so what? You are aware of how many you ate and that, I think, is half of the battle!

    We can totally do this!!

  3. Thanks, Mal. :) Today went better. I kept my calories right at 1500, even with a full fat delicious pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. And I've had two full water bottles today, so I'm calling that a win. It's so much harder to drink water when it's cold out.

    And you're right, we can totally do this!!
