Thursday, September 30, 2010

Molly's Thursday

Ok, so I weighed myself like a good girl this morning - 171.0. Up one pound, but that's ok because I did cardio last night after work. And for the last 2 days I've actually been sticking to the eating plan. If feel better (healthier) than I have in months. Seriously, why is it so hard to do the things that make you feel good?

Anyway, the gym weigh in, went ok, too. I was down 1.5 from last Thursday, so that was good. And I lost a 1/2 on my hips and waist. So yay! It's working! Slowly, but surely. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Molly's Tuesday

I weighed myself this morning when I got up and I'm basically back to where I was before Brewfest. 170.0. So, that's down about 5 pounds from last Thursday, which is good. :)

I went to our first official group training this morning. Thursday are going to be our official weigh-in days, so I'm going to weigh myself in the morning on Thursdays like usual and then have the gym scale weigh-in, shoes and all, post breakfast. I'm curious what the difference will be. I'll post both weights when I get home.

Goals for the rest of today:
drink 4 bottles of water
track calories

Friday, September 24, 2010

Molly's Friday

My weigh in was not so great this morning. 172.6. But, it's lower than it was a few days ago, so that's good. I had some emotions mixed with some hormones yesterday and in the end I decided white cheddar cheez-its were the only thing that could make it better. Oddly enough, they helped and I don't regret it. And today I still want to be healthy.

Goals for today:
drink 4 bottles of water (1 down, 3 to go)
track calories

Friday Weigh In

This mornings weigh in was not great. I did have a weekend last weekend of fondue alcohol and cake so I am not worried. It will come off. Yesterday I didn't eat very well, I had lots of stuff I shouldn't and I am not done tracking dinner. I also didn't have any soda, so I think I eat worse when I don't have that "sweet" to fall back on.

Today's goals

Track, have under 1300 cal
3 bottles water
go for a walk

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Group Training

We started the 8 week challenge last Wednesday. We're officially on week two now and I have officially GAINED five pounds. Oops. But, I knew that was going to happen and I wouldn't change it.

Today a group of us that work together met with a personal trainer. We only did half an hour and thank god for that! I seriously thought I was going to throw up. Out of the five of us girls, I am in the worst shape. I am not the biggest, in fact with the exception of Amanda, I am the smallest. But I am the only one that hasn't at least been doing cardio on a regular basis. So it was pretty rough, but that's ok.

The gym has a deal going where you can do group training for $199 per person for 12 sessions. The five of us have decided to do that. I had money left over that I had been planning to spend while in Denver and didn't. So, happy birthday to me!

I'm going to weigh in tomorrow. And my goals for today are to drink 4 bottles of water (working on number 2 right now.) and track my calories.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Todays goals

Last night as I was watching the biggest loser I was so sad that I am lighter than all of the women and in 12 weeks or whatever, I will be heavier than them by 60 - 80 pounds. Unless I take control and do something about it. So here we go:

Today's goals:

Track calories, have 1300 or less, have under 100 g of carbs
Drink 4 bottles of water
Walk with the kids!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8 Week Challenge

I signed up for the Gold's Gym 8 week challenge this morning. What this entails:


1. Weight: 171.2
2. BMI (according to their hand-held doohickie): 34.8
3. Waist in inches (not sure)
4. Right thigh in inches (not sure)
5. Hips in inches (not sure)

I was only half awake when I went to sign up, so I totally failed to ask what the measurements were. Doh. But, I have a free session with a trainer on Tuesday, so I'll get the info from her then. If anyone wants to join in the challenge, you totally should, whether or not you belong to Golds. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Molly's Monday

I was attacked by carbs this weekend. Funeral carbs in particular. Those are the worst. Especially when you've been eating a lot of veggies and lean meats and you see cheesy potatoes and homemade rolls and chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. And you're all sad because they played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. And so you stuff your face with so many carbs you can't even count that high.

So here I am again, start over after a bad-eating weekend. But whatever. Today will be good. I will drink 4 bottles of water and track my calories. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Oh, and I forgot to weigh myself, so I'm going to weigh in tomorrow. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Molly's Friday Weigh In

168.2, down 2 lbs. from Tuesday. So, that's good. It could have been a lot better, but I made some really poor food choices the last few days, so whatever. It is what it is. Todays goals are to drink 4 bottles of water. yep, that's it.

Mallory's Friday

So, I weighed myself this morning and my weight was 228.8. Whooo hoooo! That's down 6.2 pounds from Monday. Weight loss is weird. I know that is all water, but really how can one lose 6 pounds in 4 days? It just doesn't seem right. I am not questioning it though. I weighed myself twice and that was good enough for me. Right now I am about a quarter down on water bottle number 4 but I haven't tracked everything for today yet. I have worked on this post 4 times and not gotten it posted yet so I am going to post this, drink my water bottle plus one more, and hopefully get the clothes in my bedroom hung up today. The kids are crazy, demanding attention but it's better than yesterday. I am going to weigh in in the morning, because I either am crazy about weight loss or I gain weight. So I would rather be crazy about it. Here are my goals:

I WILL BE UNDER 200 lbs. I am not sure when, but I will do it. I have 28.8 pounds to lose.

I will drink my water in my bottle plus one more today.
I will weigh in the morning and blog.
I will track my food.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Whoo hoooo! Today is thursday and I am doing good today. I think I might be back on the right track. Yesterday didn't go bad, but I did eat some things I shouldn't but today has been great so far. here's to two days of tracking. YAY

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

mallory's wednesday

So yesterday was crappy. Today I am tracking. Seriously I AM TRACKING. So far today I have had a cookie and a diet soda. go me! so it's hours later and I am doing better. I am getting some water right now. I am eating chicken tacos now and have tracked.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Molly's Tuesday Weigh-In

Yesterday was a good day. I drank almost 3 bottles of water and my calories were right at 1300. I'm so glad I didn't get on the scale yesterday because it was bad enough today after a good day. 170.2. I once again had an out of control eating weekend (seriously, I can't be trusted around cheese. Or ice cream.) But what's done is done. So, here's the plan for today:

Drink 4 bottles of water
exercise after work
track calories

Monday, September 6, 2010

Deez Nutz

I'm just keeping it classy, you guys. :-) The cherries were getting on my nerves, so I'm trying out this more fall-ish themed background. I can't decide if I like it or if it's ugly. And also, does anyone besides squirrels actually eat acorns?

The Plan

Ok so here is the new plan. Make that the new, new plan. We got back late last night and the drive was long and we have eaten out a lot. I weighed this am and I was 235.0 ug. So my plan today is to drink 4 bottles of water and Track. Yay! I am going to weigh again tomorrow.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Molly's Thursday

I didn't weigh myself today. Thought about it, but didn't just in case the result was disappointing. Yes, I live in the lovely land of denial. But tomorrow is Friday, which means I will get on the scale. So, today I will drink 4 bottles of water and I will track my calories. I also plan to do at least 30 minutes of cardio at the gym after work. Hopefully we all have a good day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


What is wrong with me? Seriously. I weighed myself this am and it was 233.0. Really. That is up about a zillion pounds from Friday. Or 5 five in 5 days. So here we are. I am up 18 pounds from my lowest weight.

So here is my plan:

1. Drink 4 bottles of water a day. (I even have a water bottle filled already)

2. Eat NO added sugar.

3. Stay away from carbs unless it is small amounts of the fruit we bought or corn tortillas.

4. Eat 100 g of protein.

5. Track

Today is the first day of my period and we had a very salty dinner last night (restaurant chips and salsa, and a burrito) so I am hoping for a relatively easy drop of those 5 pounds. Then I will stay on track until Molly comes to denver for her birthday. We can do this ladies!