Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lori's Goals

So I'll take this minute to post too. I technically have 36 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I started back at the gym two days ago. I am not technically cleared for exercise, so I'm just doing the elliptical and taking it kinda easy. I'm hoping that I'll get some calories burned and some endurance back before my OB apt (March 1st) and then I can start back with my classes (although I know it's going to kick my butt!). Since I'm breastfeeding, everything I have read says not to cut calories too low or your milk supply will suffer. I tend to not lose weight, or at least much, until I stop bf-ing, so I'm sad about that but don't know what to do otherwise.

Anyway, my goal is to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, which was 152, which is losing 36 lbs. My goal is July 13th, since that's six months after Gage was born. I believe that's about 8 lbs a month, which seems a little high for me still breastfeeding, but nonetheless, it's my goal. I'm cutting out processed sugars, drinking lots of water, and keeping my fiber and protein up. I also plan on going to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week, hopefully 5.


  1. I am so excited for you and your family. I can't believe I haven't seen this new little boy yet. We need to fix that!!

  2. Sounds good Lori! Way to be motivated!!
