Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Carrie's Goals!

It feels so good to be able to try to lose weight again! Being pregnant was wonderful and I enjoyed it thoroughly (as much as you can), but I'm ready to get this party started. Lucky me, I weigh less than before I got pregnant. Unlucky for me, I am still very overweight!
I had a breakthrough this last week. I keep trying to figure out where the need to eat comes from, why I am constantly running from being and feeling healthy. I don't know about any of you guys, but I have been chubby since I was 8 years old, and that is when my mom put me on my first diet. Since then I got made fun of for my weight and it resulted in failed diet, after failed diet and getting fatter and fatter. I have now figured out that I associate dieting with feelings of inadequacy's and being miserable, feeling like I was never going to be worth anything unless I was a size 0.
Now that I am an adult my thinking has changed from being thin to being healthy. That is my goal, I want to be healthy. I want my BMI to be where it is suppose to be and in order for that to happen I need to lose at least 100 pounds. Wow, that seems CRAZY! I figure baby steps is the only way this is going to happen. I am definitely not planning on losing all this weight by the end of the year, but I would like to have at least 50 of it gone.
I am now a stay at home mom and so there is no excuse to not be going to the gym and eating well. I have the time to put towards this goal and now is the time to accomplish it.
My start weight at the beginning this week was 270. I have decided to only post my weight on Mondays, but I will still be weighing everyday. My goals are to get to the gym 5 days a week and do 45 minutes of cardio and muscle specific weight training. I am excited to be on my journey to getting healthy! I hope everyone has a good week.


  1. I am so glad we have the same goal of 50 pounds!!! Don't cut yourself short about being a stay at home mom. I think it's the hardest. I bet I would do a lot better if I weren't home all day every day. I tend to justify my eating with...oh it's been such a bad day....not anymore though. I decided if it's going to be a good or bad day not a tiny 2 year old!!!! What gym are you going to?

  2. I go to Gold's. I checked out Crossroads,but they were more expensive and less convenient for me. Home is actually easier for me because now I actually have time to plan and prepare. When I was working I was always running to get something to eat and making poor choices and spending a lot of money going out. Not to mention my last 2 jobs were pretty stressful and made me want to snack all day. Clients use to bring us in doughnuts and goodies, I would eat myself sick! Now the only stress is if the baby is going to sleep at night, or if I'm going to have to take a nap during one of her naps the next day!

    I'm glad we share a goal! I can't wait to see how we all do!
