Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Have A Plan..... B

Plan A didn't really pan out. I just can't seem to get excited about the gym. So here's plan B:

1) Do my pilates/cardio exercise tape M/W/F while my dad is at Cardio rehab.

2) Track calories - for the next three weeks I will be keeping a strict 1300 calories per day diet.

3) drink 3-4 bottles of water every day. Three is the minimum, 4 is the goal, anything above is just a bonus.

4) T/TH I would like to start hiking up Mt. Garfield. Not all the way every day or anything crazy like that, but just as far as I feel I can go. Eventually I'll get to the top and not be worried about having a heart attack. :)

Now I have to go out to the garage and find my pilates tape in one of my boxes. I think I know where it is. My yoga mat is a whole different story...

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